We do NOT need to talk about Kevin
One of the books that I was most intrigued to read was We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. I had been told by a few people that it was an incredible book and that I really needed to read it. After picking it up in a local charity shop I decided to do some research on the book (like I usually do)-like read reviews,etc. Considering that everyone seemed to love this book, lets just say my expectations were high. In class I had read an extract from this book and I thought yeah this seems alright actually. And then I started to read the book at home, I automatically knew that it was going to be a complicated book. It's one of those books that I knew I had to be wide awake to read it. But, everytime that I was reading the book I was tired. Turns out it was the book that was making me tired. I've said it before in another one of my reviews that sometimes I have to read a book more than once to appreciate it fully. But I honestly don't think I can do it. Let...