Spoiler alert!

Depression affects around 350 million people,yet it's one of the most misunderstood illnesses going. Simply because of its invisibility. However, I believe that depression isn't invisible at all.Sure it affects your brain mostly,but it affects your actions.What you do.How you sleep.Everything. 

One way of raising awareness of depression and other mental illnesses is writing fictional books about characters with them. Now I don't know if that's why authors do so, but I think it's a great thing to do. One book that I recently read was All The Bright Places. This is a book that has been publicised by Youtuber and Blogger Zoe Sugg aka Zoella. And I'm so glad that I watched her book club video because this book changed my life. Well kind of.

The whole story is basically about two characters, Theodore Finch and Violet Markey. They have very different but similar stories. They've both been suicidal. It's crazy to see the two characters grow and sink at the same time. I'm not going to lie it kind of is a boy-meets-girl book, but it's so different and definitely worth the read.

Lets start off by talking about Finch. He is such a precious human and I have so much love for him. Even if he is a fictional character. He has so many different personalities, and that isn't really to do with mental illness at all. I just think he likes to be different. My favourite stage of his was most probably his 80's stage, he was just so unique. (Read the book!)He has so much love to give to people and he put it all into Violet, whilst battling with his many demons. I could visualise his downfall and it was heartbreaking. But I still wanted to carry on reading it. That's what a great fictional story is supposed to do. If this book was turned into a film (I am praying that it is) I can imagine Ezra Miller playing him and it would be perfect! He has the looks, the charisma and the acting skills to play a character just like Finch.

Violet Markey is just one of those misunderstood girls I guess. She's in the crowd who are kind of up their own ass. BUUUT, there's a twist. A surprise in a way, and boyyy did it shock me.  She's finding it hard to deal with the death of her sister, and hasn't been in a car since the accident. Finch helps her, and makes her find the reason to live. And I mean really live, not just keep breathing. And no one knows her secret (that she was on the bell tower and that Finch saved her, it wasn't the other way round) apart from Finch. But she loves him. And her heart breaks.

This story is a literal masterpiece. It's probably because I love all this depressing stuff, don't judge me. Is this book better than The Fault in Our Stars? Yes. Yes it is.

Well done Jennifer Niven.



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