Skin care

Caring for your skin is something that a lot of people struggle with,even me. But you can't always have perfect skin, you will always have break outs.You just need to know how to control it.
There are so many skin care products out there to try and some will work, some won't. I will be telling you the products that I use at the moment, but I will be trying out new products and be sharing my experiences with them.

First of all I'm going to talk about facial wipes. I use these to take off my make up before using my products. So essentially, anything will work. You can get facial wipes from anywhere; drugstores, supermarkets, etc.They are super cheap too. You don't have to use Simple ones or any other top brands, the cheap ones work just as well. I'm not going to tell you not to get the top brand facial wipes, get whatever works for you. I use a facial wipe once I'm ready to take all of my make up off, and before I put my make up on, just to refresh my face.

Face wash is a must have. If you haven't used a certain face wash before, always read reviews on it first. Neutrogena face wash is apparently really good and it apparently leaves your face feeling refreshed and clear. I am yet to try Neutrogena face wash, but once I do I will write a review on it. The face wash that I use is T-Zone deep pore cleanser, this face wash is super cheap and works really well. It has a nice creamy texture to it, and when it's on your face it doesn't feel too thick and clammy.
I use face wash after I've taken all of my make up off, to get all of the make up and other gross things off of my skin as facial wipes don't get the dirt out of your skin. I also sometimes use this in the morning depending on how my skin feels. If you wake up feeling hot and sweaty, definitely use the face wash before you do anything else.

Personally I find that face masks work very well, but I wouldn't recommend using one everyday. Use one roughly 2-3 times a week. I would suggest getting a tube of face mask instead of individual sachets as it will work out much cheaper. If you are going to buy a face mask tube from superdrug then be very careful. When I was reading reviews on them a few people actually got burnt from using them. Although when I used a facemask from superdrug it didn't burn me bad, but it my skin felt horrible and once I took it off my face looked very sunburnt, even though I wasn't sunburnt. I would try to avoid superdrug' face masks, especially if you have sensitive skin. The face mask that I use is called Beauty Formula Rejuvinating Glorious Mud Facial Mask, and it works very well.

Those are my main routines for skin care, but also make sure you moisturise your face before you put make up on because your skin/pores will absorb the moisturiser rather than the foundation. If you have any skin care products that you think work well or you would like me to try out,etc. then leave a comment or something.


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