Top 5 books! August 2017

Since today is book lovers day, what's more fitting than posting a book related post? I am currently reading a book which I love, but I haven't finished it or read it before so I can't post a review on it. But, I will be once I have finished it. Soooo, stay tuned!

I'm not going to lie, I am a massive book lover. And my favourites change all the time, so I will most likely be updating my top 5 at some point. But for now, here goes.

1. The Shock of the Fall

I am a massive lover on books based on mental health, especially ones that don't romanticise it. This book showed the realness of schizophrenia, but didn't portray the character as a monster. The thing that I found interesting about the author, Nathan Filer, is a registered mental health nurse so you know that he knows what he's writing about. So this book is narrated by the main character Matthew. He battles with the grief of the death of his little brother Simon, which you find out on page 5. I don't want to give too much away, but this is one of the best books I have read and every single one of you should read it too.

2. All The Bright Places

Like I said, I love books that are based on mental health. And this one is based on depression. The one thing that this book showed to me is that you can be loved if you do have depression. I know a lot of people believe that it's just impossible for that to happen if they suffer from it. It didn't have the happy ending that I wanted, but in reality happy endings rarely happen. This book also shows grief too, and I just fell in love with the characters and everything about this book.

3. The Mortal Instruments

The mortal instruments is a fantasy series about shadowhunters and demons basically. I do love a fantasy book. They have brought out a movie and a tv series based on these books which I think is incredible. It was so easy to get lost into this world of angels and demons and general fantasy. There were so many plot twists and moments where I had to sit there and just think "what the f*ck" which is my favourite part of reading to be honest.

4 . The book thief

I picked this book up at a car boot sale ( I may have already posted about this book) and I was hooked on it as soon as I started reading it. I love war stories so much and I loved how different this story was to the general war ones. The main character Liesel is a little girl and I always find stories like these that involve a child are more touching. It was touching, moving and overall incredible.

4. Perks of being a wallflower

Last but not least, this book made and broke my heart in so many different ways. This is also about depression and it shows the harshness of the mental illness. Charlie battles loneliness, experiences his first love and genuinely has a mental breakdown. And you can feel every ounce of emotion that is in this story. He writes letters to a random person which I guess is his way of feeling like he has someone that doesn't know him so they won't judge him like most of the people at his school do. It's amazing

So these are my top 5 books for now, if you have any recommendations for books to read then please leave them in a comment. I also want to read some more crime/mystery books so leave recommendations.


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