Day 10:Best Places to get gifts

Since it's coming up to Christmas and a lot of people are struggling to find gifts I thought I would give a list of places where you can get great gifts.

1:Superdrug,this is a great place for all make up lovers as they do so many sets!They are at great prices too.

2:Argos:This is a great place for people who don't like the typical things.If they like gadgets and things like that then Argos is the place to go.

3:B&M:This place literally has everything!From gift sets to food to home things to gadgets! It's the best place to go for me. Plus the prices are great! 

4:The Works: This is mainly for people who like books as they have the 3 for £5 deal and have sets for great prices.

5:Amazon:I know this isn't really a store but it has pretty much everything on there!

6:HMV:This is a great place for people who love DVD's,Box Sets,CD's and every books.They also have more little things like badges and keyrings. 


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