Day 8-Winter essentials

Obviously,it is now winter which is either a good thing or a bad thing.I decided that I will give a little guide as to what I think you need for winter.

Firstly,I'm going to talk about Cuppa Soup.There's nothing I love more than to sit there with a cuppa soup and some bread or something.I think it makes a great snack and it's lovely and hot (duuuh!).

Fuzzy socks-I went into Peacocks and bought some more yesterday as they're just a need! They're sooo comfortable and they keep your feet lovely and warm.They usually have cute little patterned fuzzy socks too which is even better! 

Lip balm-Sadly when the weather starts to get cold your lips start to chap which is incredibly annoying! I prefer to use tinned ones like Vaseline or something like that as it's easy to apply.

Body lotion/moisturiser-Obviously people looove to use this all year round but at winter you need to use it more. I find that your skin becomes more dry and there's nothing better than putting on a beautiful scented moisturiser!

Hot chocolate-Who doesn't love hot chocolate! It's even better when you have little marshmallows to put on top,but you just need it! Especially when you're chilling and you're a bit cold.It definitely warms you up(well sometimes,but it's delicious so whatever!)

Lastly,a book-I chose to add If I Stay as its one of my favourite books! I'm pretty sure everyone's heard of it.It's not an extremely long book either which is why I chose it because you can easily read it in a day.Especially if it's a cold day! Obviously you can watch a film or whatever but I prefer to read a book,I find it more chilling!


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