What's going on?

Starting the New Year something is going to be changing with my blog. First of all I'm going to be posting more frequently,as you guys may know.I suck at that! 

In fact,I'm going to be posting two times a week now. On Wednesday's I'm going to be posting a chapter of a story that I've written or a short story. I decided that this will help me so much with my creative writing course and I just want people to read my work. On Friday's I will be posting a normal blog post like make up looks,reviews,all the normal content! I'm not going to lie,I'm quite scared to be showing people my writing as it's such a big deal(for me anyway). But I'm so excited for the new year and how my blog is going to turn out! 

Seeing as it's just been Christmas I got so many new things and it has inspired so many of my upcoming blogs. So there is going to be a new candle blog,new looks,new reviews of books and products,look books, DIY things,and everything!

Last but not least,happy new year! Enjoy your 2016 and fulfill all of your dreams and stick to your resolutions.


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